Monday, March 11, 2013

Definitions of Worship - Part 6

            By living in complete devotion to the Lord, we offer our allegiance and affection to Him in worship.  It’s a daily routine, since our life for God is dependent on our life with God. One of Paul’s pleas to the Church in Corinth was imploring them to be totally devoted to the Lord, unencumbered by the cares of the world.  “I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” (I Cor. 7:35). 
According to Webster, being devoted simply means “feeling or showing love.”[1]  Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord with all that we possess, and to love others as we love ourselves. (Luke 10:27).  When we show our love to God is worship, He responds with His presence, for “God is present in the company of the righteous.” (Psalm 14:5).  And when God is present, we are healed, renewed, and restored.   What a travesty it is that we often wait until Sundays for these miracles in our lives to be revealed.
True and devoted worshippers are consistent, irrespective of their circumstances.  “Though the fig tree may not blossom or fruit be on the vines, the fields yield no food, and the flocks be cut off from the fold, ye will I rejoice in the Lord!” (Hab. 3:17-18).  We must all be worshippers, and not just do worship.  Even though we may lead the worship, sing in the congregation, or preach the message, it does not necessarily equate that true worship transpires.  The secret to acceptable worship?  The attitude of the heart.  “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord “…” He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” (Psalms 24:3a, 4a). May we offer our allegiance and affection to the Lord by living as He would have us…in fully devoted lifestyle worship.

Worship is recognizing the height, depth, and magnitude of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection.  It is a response to His presence, and a relationship with the Divine.
Should God manifest His presence to us this very moment, we would use everything that we possess to worship Him.  We would stand in awe and adoration, minister to Him, obey His words, Glorify Him, Sacrifice praises to Him, and offer our lives in devotion to His Kingdom.

[1] Encyclopedia Britannica Company, 2010.


Encyclopedia Britannica Company. Merriam Webster Online. Incorporated Merriam Webster.
 2010. (accessed Aug 28, 2010).

Fowler, James A. Christ In You Ministries. Edited by James A, Fowler. 1999. (accessed Aug 28, 2010).

Hardon, Rev. John. The Real Presence Association. Inter Mirifica. 1999.
(accessed Aug 28, 2010).

Nee, Watchman. Ministry to the Lord. c. 1930.
(accessed Aug 28, 2010).

Peterson, David. Engaging With God. Downers Grove, Il: IVP Academic, 1992.

Piper, John. John Piper Quotes. c. 1956. (accessed Aug
28, 2010).

Ritter, David L. Music Ministry Manual. Edited by Brenda Herring. San Diego, CA: David Ritter
Publishing, 2010.

Zondervan. The Holy Bible, NIV. Edited by Kenneth Barker. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Bible
 Publishing, 1985.

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